PSYCHOLOGY scientific journal – practice is a journal for scientists and practicing psychologists. The magazine is published biannually, with the print version ISSN 1857-2502 and online E-ISSN 2537-6276, category “B”.
The purpose of the scientific journal:
PSYCHOLOGY, the scientific-practical journal aims to disseminate the results of advanced and authentic research, fundamental and valuable investigations of scholars and researchers in the country and abroad in various branches of psychology. The magazine publishes articles that highlight the most relevant topics in all fields of psychology such as: Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Occupational Psychology, Social Psychology, Forensic Psychology, etc.
The journal covers all aspects of scientific research, surveys conducted in various branches of psychology, publishes reviews of original scientific papers, peer-reviewed articles, practical and synthetic papers, surveys conducted by scientists and practitioners using authentic diagnostic methods as psychological recovery, prevention of mental illness, promotion of mental health, etc.
The main objectives of the scientific journal:
- publishes information about major events and emerging trends in different branches of psychology;
- disseminates the scientific achievements of scientists and researchers in the country and abroad;
- states the most comprehensive and controversial issues in various fields of psychology;
- supports the authors of research materials based on psychological evidence, which use the most progressive methods of diagnosis, counseling, prevention, remediation and psychotherapy;
- facilitates access to basic scientific materials, by developing, disseminating and presenting scientific methods of psychological assistance;
- hires young creative researchers and scholars to participate in the development of applied psychology;
- organizes a dialogue with experts in the fields of psychology;
- supports the integrative tendencies of the research methods applied in counseling, psychological diagnosis, psychotherapy and remediation;
- publishes the differences between research methods and strategies of national and foreign influences, in addition, about the particular approaches to problems by different schools of psychology;
- disseminates the ethical norms observed in all dimensions of activity of applied psychology, in advancing the cultural norms (ethical, legal, linguistic rules and other patterns of conduct and professional communication).
The scientific journal aims to provide easy access to the publication of valuable and authentic scientific research.
We invite you to send by e-mail the manuscript: luciasavca@mail.ru