PSYCHOLOGY scientific journal – practice is a journal for scientists and practitioners, published biannually, with print version ISSN 1857-2502 and online E-ISSN 2537-6276, category “B”.

English name: PSYCHOLOGY scientific-practical journal.

Editor: “Ion CREANGĂ” State Pedagogical University

Registration certificate: no. 212 of 08.06.2007, at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova

Moldova Post Subscription Index: PM 32009

Frequency: every six months

Year of publication: since 2007

Email: ;

The full electronic version of the journal is published on the website of the “Ion CREANGĂ” State Pedagogical University:  and in the National Bibliometric Tool. The published electronic version is an open access journal.

PSYCHOLOGY the scientific-practical journal was established in 2007, at the initiative of the president of the Association of Practitioner Psychologists of Moldova, Ph.D. Lucia SAVCA. The journal is a scientific publication designed to inform scientists in the field of advanced and original research results, fundamental and valuable investigations in all fields of psychology.

The journal is registered with the Ministry of Justice with reference number 212 on June 8, 2007. The scientific-practical journal “Psychology” maintains a website:, being certified by the National Book Chamber of Moldova (, with ISSN 1857-2502 PRINT and E-ISSN 2537-6276 online and included in the list of scientific journals from the National Library: and in National Bibliometric Instrument:, (Category B). Academy of Sciences of Moldova, list of scientific journals: List of scientific journals published by organizations in the field of science and innovation (Category B).

Since 2009, the journal has been accredited by the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences and the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation number 61, on April 30, 2009, from 2009.12.24-2013.10.30 and number 270, in 2013.10. 21, from 2013.10.31-2017.10.31 – Category C, and from 2017.10.26 – until 2021.10.26 by decision no. 158 was assigned the category of scientific publications Category “B” in the field of psychology: List of Scientific Journals accredited by ANACEC in the Republic of Moldova: Lista Revistelor Stiințifice acreditate de ANACEC din Republica Moldova. :

The volumes of the journal are managed by an editorial board composed of scientists with a scientific degree in psychology and psychopedagogy from academic institutions of higher education in the Republic of Moldova and abroad, such as Romania and Ukraine, who actively participate in reviewing and approving materials for publication. editorial team responsible for the edition of the journal, led by the editor-in-chief.

Since 2009, the first year of accreditation of the journal “PSYCHOLOGY”, 26 issues of journals have been published, 4 times a year, which include approximately 262 articles (you can view a copy in pdf format on the website of the Institute National Bibliometric:; on the magazine’s website – , on the National Library’s website:

Since 2017, the magazine has been published every six months – every six months. All printed volumes from 2007 to the present can be found at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova. From 2007-2008, 39 articles are not in the electronic version on the magazine’s website, but the print version is in the National Library. The articles proposed for publication are authored by researchers, scholars and practitioners from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Israel, Azerbaijan, Russia and other countries.

Every year, the magazine publishes an impressive number of copies, which are distributed free of charge to the most prestigious libraries in the country and abroad, to higher education institutions and to other interested partners. Also, the scientific-practical journal Psychology is distributed free of charge to professionals who participate in conferences organized by the Association of Practitioner Psychologists of Moldova. The electronic version is available in open access in 5 international databases, in libraries in Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, etc.

Psychology the scientific-practical journal is included in the subscription register of the Post Office of Moldova with subscription index: PM 32009, where stakeholders, educational institutions, psychologists and libraries in the country could contract it at the post offices.

People interested in publishing scientific materials can send digital papers to the publisher at: Scientific papers submitted for publication must be current and meet the requirements strictly in accordance with the rules indicated by the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation of Scientific Articles.

The author retains the copyright and does not pay the fee for the publication of the scientific article.

We are convinced and hope that the PSYCHOLOGY SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL – PRACTICE will be an advantageous and valuable journal for scientists in the country and abroad, researchers in various fields of psychology and practitioners in disseminating advanced experience. The magazine is also suitable for teachers, educators, parents and anyone interested in the field of psychology, personality development and the specifics of transformations and problems at different ages, solving personal and interpersonal problems, etc.

We are receptive to your suggestions.

Regards, the editorial board.

Legal address: str. Ion CREANGĂ no. 1, Chisinau 2069, Republic of Moldova; phone: (373) 69993253