Alexandra BARBANEAGRA, editor-in-chief, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Rector of the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” from Chisinau is a valuable specialist in glottodidactics. Areas of professional interest include language education, communication psychopedagogy, intercultural communication, communication skills training strategies. Mrs. A. Barbaneagra is the coordinator/ member of more than 15 national and international scientific projects, funded by the European Commission, OSCE, USAID, IOM, DW Academy etc.; numerous research projects in the field of career and education; the member of the organizing committee at national and international scientific forums; the member of the International Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe; the member of “The core organization of the CIS Member States for teacher training”; national expert. She is the author of over 80 scientific and scientific-didactic works, including monographs, course materials, textbooks, methodological guides, teaching materials, publications in national and foreign periodicals.

Lucia SAVCA, editor-in-chief, Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogy.  He worked for over 30 years at the “Ion Creanga” State University, at the Department of Psychology. Dr. Lucia Savca is the founder and president of the Association of Practitioner Psychologists of Moldova; is the founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific-practical journal Psychology from 2007 to the present. He founded in 1989 and led for over 24 years the Center for Diagnosis and Psychological Rehabilitation “Harmony”, within the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sports in Chisinau. He is a top category psychologist, expert in age psychology, school counselor, school psychology, social psychology, trainer in the “Conflict and communication” program, “Healthy way of life”, psychotherapist in integrative and family psychotherapy. His research interests which are also reflected in publications include, Clinical Psychodiagnosis, Developmental Psychology, Conflictology, Integrative Psychotherapy, Family Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence. He is PhD coordinator and reviewer of scientific papers.  She was the head of the department of Criminology and Applied Psychology at the Institute of Criminology. Ms. Lucia SAVCA is the author of over 100 publications, author and co-author of textbooks, monograph, 6 course materials, articles in specialized scientific journals, is coordinator of 5 volumes of articles from international forums in the country.

Maria VÎRLAN, scientific editor Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology, Dean of the Department of Psychology and Special Psycho-pedagogy, State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. She is a member of the editorial board of the Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies (RJPS), Hyperion University of Bucharest and a member of the editorial board of the Collection of articles “Problems of socio-humanistic sciences and modernization of education”, State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”. Her didactic activity is carried out with the students from the Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Psychology, Social Work and with the students from the Master’s Degree Programs in the field of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The areas of scientific interest are: psychosociology of deviant behavior, conflictology, conflict mediation, drug use prophylaxis, psychological security. Maria Virlan is a member of national and international project teams (TEMPUS, ERASMUS, PALLADIUM/D4I) and the director of the following research projects: “Training human resources for the prevention of deviant behavior and psycho-social recovery of people with deviant behavior” and “Interdisciplinary models of resocialization of juvenile delinquents”. She is the author of over 80 scientific papers, a monograph and over 15 teaching papers.

Delia BIRLE, doctor hability in psychology, is a licensed psychologist and an associate professor in experimental psychology, school counseling, career counseling and psychological statistics at the University of Oradea, Psychology Department. She is, also, the coordinator of the Master degree program in the area of Educational Psychology, School and Vocational Counseling, at the University of Oradea. Her research interests that translated into books, numerous articles and conference presentations include: career counseling, school psychology, child development and moral reasoning. She is the main author of the book Career counseling – the efficiency of a training program (original title: Consilierea carierei – eficiența unui program de training), published in 2013. Also, she is the coordinator of more than 10 books and chapter books and more than 30 scientific articles published with prestigious international publishers (Palgrave McMillan, IGI Global Publishing), Romanian prestigious publisher (Romanian Academy Publishing House, Polirom Publishing House, SPER Publishing House, Didactical and Pedagogical Publishing House) and ISI Thomson Reuters indexed journals. She participated in 10 national and international project teams, funded by Romanian Ministry of Education, European Commission and different NGO’s, numerous research projects in the area of career and education.

Elena BONCHIS, PhD in Pedagogy, is the University Professor at Oradea University, She is a senior psychologist, supervisor in educational psychology and school counseling and vocational specialist in Developmental Psychology. He has published over 80 studies and articles in national and international scientific journals. Mrs. is the author of scientific volumes as: Developmental Psychology (2004), General Psychology (2006), Theories of child development (2006), Child Psychology (2007), methodical guidelines for teachers and school psychologists. Dr. E. Bonchis is an Associate Member of several professional associations: the International School Psychology Association, the Association of Psychologists of Romania, the College of Psychologists from Romania, the President and founding member of the National Association of School Psychologists and is part of the editorial board of School Psychology Journal.

Victoria GONTA is PhD in Psychology, is an Associate Professor, Director of Doctoral School of Psychology at State Pedagogical University “I. Creanga” since 2019. She wos Vice-rector for Scientific Research and Development at American University of Moldova (AUM). She has a Phd in Psychology at State Pedagogical University “I. Creanga” since 2003 and Associated profesor since 2008. The social affiliation of Mrs Gonta is vast. She is Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Member of the editorial board of specialized magazine of the Association of practitioners psychologists of Republic of Moldova”, of the editorial board of specialized magazine „The Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy”, Bucharest, Romania, and of the editorial and scientifically board of specialized magazine „Interdisciplinary Studies Magazine”, Iasi, Romania. Publications more than 120, monograph 5, coordinator of collections – 4.                Gonța Victoria participated in the projects many national and international projects. She was the member of the following projects: “Psycho-pedagogical curriculum for parents’ education in the Republic of Moldova”; “Theoretical-applicative foundation of human resources training in the field of psycho-pedagogical assistance of temporarily disintegrated families”; “Preventing and Combating Violence in the Educational System”; “Initial and continuous training of psychologists in child protection from violence”. Currently she is director of the scientifically project “Initial and continuous training of teachers from the perspective of the Future Classroom concept”, also she is active member of the project “Eastern Partnership in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education”, “Methodology of ICT implementation in the process of studying the real sciences in the education system of the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of inter/transdisciplinarity (STEAM concept)” and other projects.

Elena LOSÎI, is PhD in Psychology is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, at the State Pedagogical University (UPS) “Ion Creanga” from Chisinau of the Republic of Moldova. Mrs. Losii teaches courses as: pedagogical psychology, organizational and work psychology, addictive behaviours psychology, psychology of advertising, psychological factors of academic failure (first cycle – licence) and psychology of young, adult and old age, Psycho diagnosis and interventions in the baking, retail and advertisers (second cycle – master). Dr. Losii is the author of diverse publications including a monograph, a handbook for students, co-author of 10 handbooks, methodical teaching papers and over 90 scientific articles. She actively participated in international projects: TEMPUS MOLDINCLUD (2009-2012), TEMPUS TEREC (2011-2014), TEMPUS INOVEST (2012 – 2015), winning in 2015, the first place at the researches contests, awarded by the Supreme Council of the Pedagogical University „Ion Creangă” and hold the diploma for science and teaching activity on the 75th anniversary of CSPU „Ion Creangă”, honoured by the Ministry of Education.

Anatol NACU is the University Professor, PhD, Head of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, member of Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, member of editorial board of three journals from abroad and three national periodicals. He is the author of more than 150 scientific articles, the President of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Society from Moldova and vice-president of Psychiatrists and Neurologists Society.

Valentina OLĂRESCU, PhD, university professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy, State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” from Chisinau, Department of Special Psychopedagogy.

The scientific and didactic activity is reflected in over 150 works. Monographs: Correction of psychomotor skills and instability of work capacity in students with borderline intelligent; Emotional disorders in children in situations of abuse and neglect; Learning disabilities: a versatile phenomenon in research; Development of communication in preschool children with language disorders; Psychological and speech therapy interventions in language and communication disorders in preschoolers. Textbooks for university education: Retention in mental development: theory-practice-therapy; Psychoneurology; Speech therapy. The perspective of speech therapy diagnosis; Theory and practice of neuropsychology and neurophysiology; Speech therapy and psychological assistance. Principles. Methodologies. Perspectives; Speech therapy. From theory to practice; Logorithmic; Writing and reading: preventive and formative-developmental speech therapy intervention; Teaching strategies in speech therapy; Phonetic rhythm. Methodological guides / supports: Guide for the elaboration and defense of the thesis and bachelor’s thesis in psychology; Methodological guide for psychological practice, cycle I; Methodological guide for speech therapy practice, cycle II; Methodological support for psychologists Psychosocial perspectives on child abuse and neglect; Methodological guide – Complex psycho-speech therapy intervention in language disorders.

University courses held: Neuropsychology, Psychocorrection, Psycho-counseling, Psychotherapy, Family Psychotherapy, Logotherapy, Speech Therapy, Age Psychology, General Psychology. Retention in Psychic Development, Neurolinguistics, The Art of Communication, Nonviolent Communication, Learning Disabilities, Speech Therapy for Adults and Children with PCI. Psycho-speech therapy diagnosis. Logorithmic and phonopedics, Rhythm and fluency disorders. Psychopedagogy of people with limited intellect. The main interests of scientific and practical research are centered around special psychopedagogy, psychology, psychopretapy, speech and communication therapy.

Member of the editorial board for the Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and Didactics (JIPED); Member of the Scientific Profile Seminar and of the Specialized Scientific Council (Psychology)

PhD Coordinator, Reviewer of scientific papers; Consultant and editor for the translation into Romanian (Chisinau, 2005) and Russian (Moscow, 2009; 2018) of the book “Nonviolent communication. Language of life”, author M.B. Rosenberg PhD. Expert and participant in Workshops, trainings, seminars in psychotherapy, speech therapy, psychological and speech therapy counseling; national and international conferences, symposiums; radio and TV shows dedicated to science, innovation, education, culture, etc.

Valentina PRITCAN, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Alecu Russo Balti State University (USARB), Republic of Moldova. She is a member of the Academic Council Studia Universitatis Moldaviae (Social Sciences) of the State University of Moldova (ISSN online 2345-1017 Universal Impact Factor for year 2014 is = 0.1928), Member of the International Advisory Board, Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies (ISSN print edition: 2537-6179|ISSN online edition: 1857-436X, Chairman of the USARB Annual Conferences Organizing Committee, entered in the National Register of Scientific Events.

She has advanced experience in the implementation of international projects within the European programs Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+, Horizon Europe. He has organizational skills and competences in the execution of training sessions and workshops in international projects. He participated in various international events, being an expert in the issues of higher education, the Bologna process, international credit mobility, quality management, university curriculum design, etc. He knows the main European documents related to the Bologna Process, the Tuning project, the European Qualifications Framework and is competent in the use of IT tools, the development of reports and the dissemination of organized events. He coordinated the implementation of several European projects at the USARB level.

His teaching activity is carried out with students from the Study Programs, cycle I, Bachelor and Study Programs from Cycle II, – Master, the fields of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Educational Sciences. She is the author of more than 40 scientific and didactic works. Has teaching and research experience in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Educational Sciences, Leadership and Management in HEIs.

Iulia RACU,  associated professor, doctor habilitated in psychology at Psychology Department in Chişinău State Pedagogical University „Ion Creangă”. Iulia Racu is teaching the following courses: Developmental psychology, Gender Psychology. Education in family, Health psychology. Psychosomatics, Juridical psychology (license cycle), Clinical psychology of child and adult, Clinical psychodiagnostic, Child therapies and art-therapy (master cycle), Developmental psychology: achievements and perspectives (doctoral cycle). Iulia Racu is the author of over 195 scientific publications: 3 monographs, 5 manuals, 6 guides, over 180 scientific articles. She has actively participated in institutional projects and academic motility in the Universities of Spain, Austria, England.

Viorel ROBU, PhD in psychology, is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, Department of Romanian Language and Literature and Communication Sciences, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Romania. He has completed post-doctoral studies at the Romanian Academy and at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Currently he teaches courses and seminars for disciplines (Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree also at the Pre- and In-Service Teacher Training Department – Master’s degree) such as Fundamentals of Psychology, Fundamentals of Special Psychopedagogy, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Integration and Inclusion in Early Childhood, Family Psychology, Psychopedagogy of Adolescents, Young People and Adults, Current Theories and Models of Learning, etc. Viorel Robu is currently a member of the editorial board of the Review of Psychology (published by the Romanian Academy), Romanian Journal of School Psychology, Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, etc. He is (co-)author of five books and over 100 scientific articles. His main research interests include psychometrics, adolescent mental health, risk behaviours, student engagement in school, etc.

Sergiu SANDULEAC, associate professor, PhD in Psychology,  at the „Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau in the Republic of Moldova; member of the editorial board of scientific journal „Psychology. Special Pedagogy. Social Work” from Republic of Moldova and Scientific Annals of PhD. candidates. Teaches courses: Introduction to Psychology, Research Methodology in Education Sciences, Psychology of Conflicts Solving, Psychology of influence and Optimizing staff, Psychology of intercultural education, Leadership psychology (first cycle – license) and Psychological assistance in the educational system (second cycle – master); Advanced statistics in developmental and educational psychology (third cycle-doctorate). Author of diverse publications including a handbooks for students, methodical teaching papers and over 50 scientific articles. Actively has participated in national and international projects, taught psychology at American University of Moldova; Comrat University of Moldova, American University of Moldova, University “Constantin Stere” from Chisinau. The research area of interest: scientific thinking, loneliness, violence, psychological security, emotional intelligence, social representations

Grațiela SION, PhD in educational sciences, associate professor, at “Spiru Haret” University, Department for Teaching Staff Training. He was the head of the Age Psychology discipline at the “Spiru Haret” University, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Bucharest for more than 15 years, he currently teaches courses in Educational Psychology, School Counseling, Adolescent, Youth and Adult Psychopedagogy within the D.P.P.D and is the coordinator of the discipline “Introduction to psychodrama” within the Master’s in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Intervention. Author of books, articles and university courses, the last editorial appearance as sole author being the work “Psychology of adolescence and youth – Development, education and intervention”, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House: Cluj(2018)Professor Grațiela Sion is a founding member and vice-president of the Romanian Society of Victimology, has research concerns in the field of psychotraumatology and gender-based violence and is part of the MiStory International Lab, Michigan University. The teacher is a trainer of the Psychodrama Society “J. L. Moreno” from Cluj, specialist psychotherapist, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists. Cristina Maria STOICA is the University Professor at „Petre Andrei” from Iasy University, PhD in Management, Bachelor of Psychology. He has published over 80 studies and articles in national and international scientific journals. Mrs. is the author of scientific volumes as: The Cost of Labor Accidents (2019), Educational Marketing (2016), Human Resources Development (2012), The Policy of Employment (2011), Economic Theories of the Social (2010). Communication and Negotiation in International Business (2006).

Dr. Stoica is an consultant expert in human resources management for a study regarding the variable share related to the remuneration of the general management and the administration council.  Member of the Permanent Office of the Scientific Management Society in Romania, SSMAR.  Member of the jury commission of the National Olympiad for students of economics, Management Section. Member of the Scientific Council of “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi. Member of Editorial Board, Editors, Journal Business & Leadership. Member of Department 3 – Improving the managerial preparation of university structures, and the determination of the activities schedule, Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania, AFER Bucharest. Reviewer for publication of Economic Modelling.

Rosina P. SHEVCHENKO, doctor hability of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology, National Maritime University Odessa, Ukraine, is a licensed psychologist and an associate professor, thesis on the specialty “19.00.04 Medical Psychology” defended on the subject: “Emotionally and personal features of patients with coronary heart disease”, is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Odessa National Maritime University. Dr. Shevchenko is working on the doctoral dissertation on the following subject “Medical and psychological support of servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders on the stage of admission.” Mrs. is author of over 100 works, including training manuals, scientific publications in domestic and foreign periodical editions.

Mihail ŞLEAHTIŢCHI, is doctor hability in Psychology, holds PhD in Psychology State University of Moldova. He holds a doctorate in Social Psychology (with a thesis defended, in 2019, at the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University in Chisinau), a doctorate in General Psychology (with a thesis defended, in 1998, at the “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iași) and doctorate in the General Theory of Education (with a thesis defended in 1987 at the Moscow State Pedagogical University). Along the way, he benefited from training and/or research internships organized and carried out in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Egypt, Romania, Ukraine and Russia. He is a full member of several scientific and professional associations and is also involved in various research, master’s and doctoral programs. He is a founding member of the National Observatory of Social Psychology (2000), the “Logos Plural” College (2001), the Institute for Community Development (2004), the Open University “Europedia” (2010), the Center for Personal and Professional Development “AKMES” ( 2016) and the Institute for Cultural and Educational Initiatives (2022). So far, he has published, as author, co-author or/and coordinator, 17 specialized books (among which: Imaginabilis. Bucharest, RAO Publishing House, 2020; Panopticum. Special techniques for penetrating the depths of social representations, Iași, Junimea Publishing House , 2018; Treatise on structural analysis of social representations, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science, 2016; Manipulation in post-totalitarianism, Chisinau, Publishing House of Gunivas, 2008; Anatomy of post-totalitarian society, Chisinau, Publishing House of Technica Info, 2002; Essay on the representation of power, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science , 1999; Leaders, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science, 1998; Social Field, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science, 1996; Universe of Social Representations, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science, 1995; Social Psychopedagogy, Chisinau, Publishing House of Science, 1995; Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy, Chisinau , Publishing House Science, 1995). He is also the author of about 250 scientific articles published in various specialized, national and international journals.