ASSOCIATION OF PRACTICE PSYCHOLOGISTS FROM MOLDOVA is a public, voluntary, non-governmental, independent, non-commercial association, founded in 2006 on the initiative of a group of people competent in Psychology.
The member of the Association can be any person with higher education in the field of psychology, practicing psychologists and those with a scientific and didactic degree, researchers in the field of psychology, students from the faculty of “Psychology”, who pay the membership fee according to the legislation and its own regulation.
The Association organizes Congresses, National and International Conferences, Scientific-Practical Seminars, round tables, both for the members of the Association and for other people interested in raising professional competence, psychological culture, oriented to the prevention and maintenance of mental health, social integration.
- establishes priorities in the field of applied psychology in the Republic of Moldova;
- defines the psychologist’s role in maintaining mental health;
- contributes to the establishment of standards for the granting of professional qualifications in the field of applied psychology;
- promotes the legislative initiative regarding the granting of a license and develops the professional skills of the practicing psychologist in case of necessity;
- elaborates the Code of Ethics and the Statute regarding the activity of the practicing psychologist from different branches of applied psychology;
- organizes research in the field of applied psychology, elaborates recommendations regarding the realization of the activity directions of the practicing psychologist and the problems faced by the population vis-à-vis the prevention and maintenance of mental health;
- defines the ways of increasing the responsibilities of the specialists in the field and traces the results of the professional activity;
- disseminates psychological knowledge with the aim of raising the level of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and social intelligence, increasing the professional skills of specialists in the given field, spreading their importance for maintaining the mental health of the population, in improving interpersonal relations, population tolerance.
- provides information to the population in the field of mental, physical, emotional and behavioral education, adaptation of the body to stressful situations, mitigation and prevention of mental disorders, education of the population in the management of emotions;
- organizes and carries out mass psychological surveys at the request of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the relevant ministries, other state organizations aimed at the early detection of people from the risk group with predispositions to deviations in normal development.
- Adress legal: str. Zelinschi 30/3 – 12, Chişinău 2068, Republic of Moldova
- Phone: Mobile: +373 69993253
- E-mail:
- Web:
Association President: Lucia SAVCA – +373 69993253